• Primes and Perfect Squares

    A Prime Number is a natural number greater than 1 and can only be divided by 1 and itself.
    Examples: 1,3,5,7,11 ... are prime numbers. They can not be divided by any number to give a whole number.

    A Perfect Square is a number that is equal to the square of another number.
    Examples: 4,9,16,25,... are the perfect squares of 2,3,4,5 respectively.

    Prime Numbers and Perfect Square are mutually exclusive. This means a prime number cannot be a perfect square and nor can a perfect square be a prime number.

    Use the following program to find all prime numbers and perfect squares between two numbers. They appear on the same visual grid because they are mutually exclusive.

Primes & Perfect Squares Tool

Use this tool to find all prime numbers and perfect squares between two numbers.

Canvas Setting

Change the dimensions of the canvas if they are unsuitable or accept the default values.

  Canvas width :
  Canvas height :

Primes & Perfect Squares

Find all prime numbers & Perfect squares

  Between A:
  And B:




Prime Numbers


Perfect Squares