• Prime Factors

    Prime Factors are prime numbers which are factors to another number. Any natural number is either a Prime Number or a composite of prime numbers. All prime numbers which are factors of a number are called its prime factors.

    A Prime Number is a natural number greater than 1 and can only be divided by 1 and itself.
    To find the prime factors of a number; the easiest method is to start by dividing the number by the smallest prime, i.e. 2. If not divisible, try the next prime which is 3, if not try the next which is 5 and so on..

    Use the following program to find all prime factors for each number in a range of numbers.

Prime Factors Tool

Use this tool to find all prime factors for each number in a range of numbers.

Canvas Setting

Change the dimensions of the canvas if they are unsuitable and re-run the program or accept the default values

  Canvas width :
  Canvas height :
  Cell Width :

Prime factors

Find all prime factors for each number

  Between :
  And :

